'Donnell Lee
arden Dubord
Welcome to the O'Donnell Lee real estate information page. Presented here is general information addressing questions we frequently encounter when working with buyers, borrowers, real estate agents, bankers, and other lawyers. We hope this site shortens your search for information and assists you in navigating the often complicated world of real estate transactions. All information presented here is for the State of Maine only.

For Buyers and Borrowers
For Sellers
General Information
For Loan Officers & Title Professionals
P1. Tom's Real Estate Law Desk Index
quick links to Maine real estate laws

P2. Title Insurance Calculators
for three major title insurance companies

P3. Bank Lineage & Tracking information
by Federal Reserve System

P4. Social Security death index records
for tracking deaths of property owners

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Broken link or suggestions for resources you'd like available here? Email the webmaster at tom@watervillelaw.com.

All original content Copyright ©2011-2024 O'Donnell, Lee, P.A.
All Rights Reserved.